Wow! New Kindle only $139.00

Now the Kindle is within reach for more people than ever. The WiFi-only Kindle is only $139.00! Wish that had been around when I spent $259.00 on mine. The new K3 with both WiFi and 3G is what I'd put on my Christmas list, though :D
And no, the Kindle doesn't come with a bikini, that's me, silly LOL!

Nothing Says Love Like a New Bikini!

I feel so entitled. :D

I said I was going to shop for a new bikini and I wasn't kidding. My friend Jenna turned me on to a great bikini maker, TeenyB bikinis, a couple of months ago and now I'm so spoiled by them, I won't wear another brand. It wasn't easy making the decision, they have so many great suits to choose from. I already have a couple of micro thongs and whaletails, so I decided to see what the pucker back would do for me! I just got it in the mail, darling box, btw, and it's this one on the right, in a gorgeous blue.

I guess I'll have to go to the beach today and show it off, awww...what a drag.

Looking forward to the end of the week. I'm going to the beach with Jenna and Kelly and we're supposed to go clubbing that night. Can hardly wait!

One of THOSE Days

Que onda, Blogger Bloggists!

It's not been the best day.

I love to walk the beach with my little dog every morning & we've gotten up to about 5 miles a day or so.
I got up at 5:30 and went to brush my teeth and I stubbed my poor baby toe on the foot of the ottoman in my bedroom. OUCH!!! I think it's broken. This sucks. It’s swollen and it hurts like mad when I try to wear shoes. I can still walk barefoot, though, so Pepperoni and I can still do our walking.
There goes my career as a foot model, lol! I should still be able to do my bikini gig on Tuesday, it doesn't look at that bad!
And even worse, I made a recipe of Arroz Con Leche, Mexican rice pudding to bring as a snack for everyone in my cooking class today. The top came off and spilled part of it all over the back hatch carpeting, drat!!

I know, I’m going to go shopping for a new bikini to make myself feel bettre!

Cookin' Up Something Good!

Don't know if I mentioned that I like to cook. Well, I enrolled in a cooking class for the summer and last night was my first class.

It went GREAT! My Mexican Meatloaf was a big hit! Even the teacher said that she liked my ’sason’ ( ‘palate’) & said they may ask me to teach a class on Mexican Cuisine. But I still can't make a pie crust!! I still need classes! Some things I can do really well and others, well, I just all on my face.

Post a comment if you would like to see my post my recipe for:
Albondigon de Res (Mexican Meatloaf stuffed with Poblano Peppers) and the savory tomato sauce that goes with it. Don't know if anyone cares yet :D

I forgot to take my camera and the one from my phone didn't come out because of no flash. Drat!

Bienvenidos a Bikini Beach!

Hola! My name is Vail and I'm a full-time student and part-time model. I'm majoring in Spanish Literature and hope to to work for an embassy in Spain or Latinamerica when I graduate.

In the meantime, I'm putting myself through school by modeling. Since I live in Florida, that means modeling bikinis for the most part.

Modeling pays the bills and well, I get to work on my tan and get paid for it! It's fun and sometimes I get to keep the bikinis. My favorite type of bikini is a Brazilian back bottom and an enhanced triangle top (meaning I can show off my cleavage, hehe).

I also love to cook, mostly Mexican food. It's hard to tell, but I'm 1/4 Mexican on my mother's side and my abuelita taught me to cook when I was only 9 years old. I will try to post some of my best dishes here.

I have two girlfriends whom I met during a swimsuit shoot, Jenna and Kelly, and they have blogs, too. If you want us for modeling, drop me a line, I'll send you my agent's number. Look over to the side for links to my bikini-wearing BFFs.

I will also be posting more pictures of me, just have to get permission to use them from the company who hired me to model.

Will be posting again soon, hasta la bye-bye! :-)